Papagaio is great, the ambience exciting and the staff warm and welcoming. In fact, the only thing difficult about dining at Papagaio is spelling its Portuguese name. The Israeli chain, well known for its South American style grill, has a new branch in the Science Park of Rechovot, and it’s well worth a visit.
Ordering is easy: Choose between the meat grill, the fish grill, the vegetarian grill and the kid’s grill. Any way you slice it, the stream of servers will keep you busy as long as you keep your tabletop signal turned to green. A tasty selection of salads and breads arrives first, with additional offers of wine, cocktails and side dishes. We tried the Brazilian cocktails as well as the baby herbed potatoes. Both were excellent, but be careful, since the best is yet to come… come…. and come again.
The food is great: Did I mention the grill? This restaurant is really about themeat – more than 12 kinds of it – brought to you on plates, skewers,cutting boards and wheeled trolleys for the cuts carved tableside. (You’ve ordered reva off, a quarter-chicken? Now picture reva-cow.) Marinated chicken legs, chorizo sausages, entrecote in beer, marinated chicken breast, turkey hearts, kabab and chicken liver – all distinctively spiced, all from the grill. Chicken wings in homemade barbeque sauce, veal ribs and beef brisket – from the oven, then grilled. And my favorite of the evening: sirloin steak with a garlic coating. All meats are accompanied by a variety of sauces, and can be ordered to your preferred degree of doneness. If you can save room for dessert, by all means try the warm chocolate soufflé, topped with vanilla (parve) ice cream, just one among the many colorful sweets.
Fun for all: The only thing Papagaio gets romantic about is the food - and, probably, World Cup soccer.. And the setting reflects that. With its large plasma screens, open-flame grill, well-stocked bar and servers bustling from table to table, the diners are embroiled in the action. That’s not to say you’re ever hurried. The Jerusalem venue is large enough to accommodate your privacy and your lingering, with an option of dark wood tables or more cozy booths. Brand new and sparkling, you can always take a break to sit back and enjoy the action by rotating your signal to red.
Staff Spirit: As good as the food was, the staff was key to our wonderful evening. Papagaio cannot be an easy place to work. The servers make constant rounds of the tables, carrying heavy trays and frightfully long skewers, while keeping track of who has had what, wants more, and when. Yet everyone we came in contact with was cheerful, helpful and clearly having a good time together. Argentinian-born Matias is commuting in from Tel Aviv to train the new grillmen, Israeli-born Yaara was thrilled to practice her British-born parents’ native tongue (“How do you say ananas in English?” she asked in a whisper), assistant manager Avihai seemed to be inconspicuously everywhere at once and co-owner/branch manager Shlomi’s smile made clear how pleased he was with the result of his efforts. As were we.
In line with South American tradition, Papagaio is family-friendly. Kids up to age ten eat free with a paying adult from 5-7 PM, and cost only NIS 59 at all other times. The meat or fish churraskaria (all-you-can-eat grill) for adults costs NIS 140 or can be combined with drinks and dessert for NIS 185. A great deal for such a feast. And, if you see and smell the meat, but still prefer not to eat it, the vegetarian grill is only NIS 85. Eluna coupons are honored for an additional 10% discount.
Bottom Line: Papagaio pairs consistent quality with endless quantity for an unusual experience in Israel. Judging by the number of diners speaking Spanish, to them it feels like home. Reservations are recommended.
Private room for up to 25, main room can accommodate up to 120 for private events. |