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Moshav Amirim
Tel: 04-6980946

Kashrut: Rabbanut Merom Hagalil, Rav Elmishali

Open Sunday - Thursday: 9:00am till 10:00pm.
Friday 9:00am till 4:00pm (winter closes earlier). Closed Motzai Shabbat and Shabbat.

This write up was submitted by A.Z. Cohn
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July 03
Amirim is one of the loveliest and unique villages in the Galilee. It is perfectly located, between Carmiel and Tsfat, not too far from Tiberias and other points north. It is quaint and quiet, though teaming with B&B's.

Amirim's claim to fame is that it is an all-vegetarian village; the restaurants, the homes, the zimmers are all meat free. That being said, however, it is still hard to find a restaurant - even a dairy one - with a kashrut certification until now.

Stupp's Restaurant Cafe is located on the main drag of Amirim, the second house on the left, about 100 meters beyond the entrance to the village. Like most of the structures in Amirim, it is set amid lush foliage and looks like a picture postcard. Inside, you will find a totally charming, country-style restaurant run by dati ex-Canadians, proving that there are Anglos everywhere.

The restaurant is clean and well lit, with big windows looking out to the garden. When we were there, the owner herself served us, and the personal touch was appreciated (nothing like a quick game of Jewish Geography). Breakfast was huge, and included fresh juice, homemade cheese, "labene," and granola; olives, orange compote, fresh bread, salad, yogurt, coffee, and an egg wrapped in dough, which was unusual and delicious.

The regular afternoon menu offers unusual dishes such as bread stuffed with mushrooms or cheese and vegetable casserole , as well as lasagne and cannelloni, quiches, and salads. There are soups and a cheese platter for openers and an excellent assortment of delicious-looking desserts.

Stupp's is a real find - the North is not loaded with kosher restaurants and most of the ones that do exist are "al ha'esh" places. A good kosher cafe/dairy restaurant is always a pleasure but in the Galil it is a true treasure.

Whether you're staying close by, or you're on the way up or the way down, a meal at Stupp's is a perfect addition to a holiday up North. You can even order take-away for Shabbat and pick it up on Friday.

Comment From eLuna:
July 04. Description: We enjoyed a very pleasant lunch at Stupp's restaurant in Amirim. The seating was comfortable and the staff (the owners) was warm and friendly. There was a steady stream of guests and each one received polite and personal attention. We enjoyed a very nice soup, followed by a cheese dish and a tofu dish. All the foods were tasty and satisfying. We topped off our lunch with coffee and their outstanding crumb cheesecake. Friends that we met by coincidence recommended the quiches - for next time. Stupp's is a find and a very worthwhile stop in the Galil. Excellent value. Thumbs up from

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