July 2012
If you are anything like me, when you pass a Black Burger restaurant anywhere in the country, you pop your head in hoping to find a teudat kashrut. Here's some good news for burger seekers: the branch of Black Bar 'n' Burger in the Matalon high tech park in Petach Tikva is now kosher, teudat kashrut Rabbanut Petach Tikva.
The decor in the spiffy Petach Tikva branch is a sharp and modern. You will enjoy it from a variety of seating options: near the bar, around tables, long bench, and half closed booths.
Burgers and Much More
The Black Bar 'n' Burger menu is the perfect blend of meat and alcohol. The menu offers a large array of unique burgers and meat dishes.
All 12 types of burgers are delicious and fun to eat.
Take a look at that menu. For a burger place, there is certainly a variety of foods. Starters, for example, include
the favorite chicken wings, natchos with guacamole and salsa, Mexican sausage with corn and eggplant baladi.
For the main course there are many wonderful sounding burgers to choose from like the Norma Jean which is made from entrecote, and the Greenbuger with spinach and nuts.We went with the Three tenors, which is three smaller burgers, one all beef, one Greenbuger , and a chicken burger served with salad. I had the Black Diamond, a house specialty made of ground fillet and stuffed with sweet potatoes. The portions are very generous. The trio of burgers was something special. The chicken burger was light and moist, and the green burger had a nice texture. The standout however was the all beef burger which was juicy and flavorful. My Black Diamond burger was also quite good and a nice twist on a classic.

For dessert we shared the Bermuda, a crunchy chocolate wafer with Nougat and chocolate. It was bit on the heavy side after such a heavy meal but it was very delicious.
