Haggadot for Pesach
These Haggadot will be shipped to you in Israel in time for Pesach. Buy one Haggada and get a second book from our Pesach collection free. |
V'Higadeta L'Bincha
And You Shall Tell Your Sons. A Pesach Haggadah.
Hard Cover, Tamid-Publishers
A beautifully designed Haggadah with black and white graphic pages. Every page offers a uniquely beautiful design and artistic presentation of the traditional text . Each page is different, each is individually designed, and each is a work of art, celebrating the Hebrew language and its hidden mathematical codes. The Haggada contains an essay explaining this concept,
More on this Haggadah. |
Hakol Baseder: A Treasury of Activities for the Passover Seder
by Mitch Heifetz and Michael Toben.
Speaking of Pesach as a teaching opportunity, this is a kit with a log of good tools to teach about Pesach. The kit includes a Haggadah, a Birkat Hamazon booklet, a wine opener, a book and a CD. All of these items are neatly packaged in a book size plastic case. More on Hakol Baseder