Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon, 1996
Type: Dry Red
The '96, like the '95, Wente - Segal are exceptional. If you can still
find a bottle of '95 buy it - it is finer than fine. The wine is a deep
Cabernet filled with body that leaves the palate with an excellent after
taste. Most cabernets are actually 70 - 80% cabernet grapes blended with
lighter grapes that serve to mellow the taste. This wine is 100% cabernet
grape, so mellow that there is no need to dilute. One of the reasons
for the great success of this wine is that it is a joint effort between
Wente, in Central California and Segal, in Israel. The grapes are grown
and harvested in Central California under the joint supervision of both
wineries and then brought to Israel and produced. Quality for price,
this superb wine is the best red wine purchase you can make this season.
Rated: 10++
Price: Moderate
750 ml
Price per bottle: NIS 59
Case: 12 bottles.